
TrakSYS for Chemicals, Oil & Gas

Unified Operations. Unparalleled Success.
TrakSYS software for chemicals, oil and gas manufacturing operations

Chemical Manufacturing Software Trusted by Leading Companies Worldwide

TrakSYS MES software has been deployed at thousands of factories in over 100 countries, including many leading chemical manufacturers.

The Chemistry of a Productive and Profitable Operation

Chemical producers of all types, from organic specialty chemicals to inorganic bulk chemicals, biofuel or fertilizers, operate complex manufacturing operations with extended supply chains. TrakSYS is designed to give you visibility into real-time production data, and tools to manage your operation for chemical manufacturing more effectively using data — including Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), Statistical Process Control (SPC), electronic records, and more.
Increase Productivity
Improve Quality
Reduce Waste
Regulatory Compliance

How TrakSYS Helps You Gain Greater Visibility, Knowledge, and Control

TrakSYS helps chemical manufacturing companies enable operational excellence initiatives, meet safety compliance requirements, and support sustainability efforts. Here’s how:


Verify supplier materials with digitally tracked and traced production, to assure safety and reduce the risk of a recall.

Provide auditor and buyers with a fully transparent audit trail complete with timestamps and material histories.
Follow raw materials through their production lifecycle and capture data around interactions with equipment, procedures, and recipes to readily identify where potential contamination may have occurred.
Track suppliers’ raw material quality, enabling better management decisions and a more holistic approach to supplier selection.

Electronic Records

Automate your record-keeping, including changes, actions, recorded values, and electronic signatures, for the creation of a comprehensive audit trail.

Store and encrypt production records to streamline future audits or inquiries.
Real-time versioning ensures that everyone involved in the production process has the most recent batch data in front of them.
Learn how negative quality trends develop from batch-to-batch, enabling improved root-cause analysis.
Enforce data validation to establish complete records for every batch and eliminate the errors that result from manual data entry.

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

Improve quality with Statistical Process Control and real-time data, to respond to out-of-compliance events.

Monitor and control temperature levels during production and any exothermic or endothermic reactions.
Monitor how chemical reactions impact throughput and OEE throughout production.
Monitor the impact that highly caustic substances have on machine performance and availability over time.
See pressure fluctuations in real-time and set thresholds at critical production junctures to alert operators of deviations.

SOP Implementation

Eliminate paperwork with digitally-managed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), including full archiving for regulatory compliance.

When an SOP deviation is triggered, corrective actions can be immediately implemented to remedy the issue.
SOPs are more readily accessible in digital form, ensuring that operators always have up-to-date instructions at their fingertips.
Foster a culture of quality by allowing operators to suggest changes and optimizations.
Store and update all pertinent operational documentation in one centralized location.

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Increase productivity through measurement such as OEE and TEEP, and automated corrective and preventive action using tasks and journals.

Track how chemical reactions impact machine uptime and availability.
Determine the factors that cause machine failure over time and utilize predictive maintenance to get ahead of them.
Reduce downtime and improve machine lifespan to optimize throughput and increase yield.

Chemicals Related Content

TrakSYS-Powered Traceability
TrakSYS enables end-to-end traceability, helping manufacturers maintain compliance and stay ahead of audits.
Traceability Solution Overview Hero
TrakSYS for Traceability Management
TrakSYS helps make audit-ready Traceability as simple as possible.
Akzo Nobel needed a manufacturing operations management (MOM) software platform to manage their operations and tie into their ERP (SAP) to provide management and visibility across all aspects of production.
Painting a Picture of Operational Success
With the assistance of Parsec Partner HSI, Akzo Nobel implemented TrakSYS for Operations Management.

What are You Working on Right Now?

Performance? Quality? E-Records? Tell us what you’re working on.
Chances are, we can help.