Home White Papers Back-of-the-Envelope OEE in 5 Steps
Back-of-the-Envelope OEE in 5 Steps

Back-of-the-Envelope OEE in 5 Steps

Discover the Impact of World-Class OEE on Manufacturing Efficiency and Automation

By general consensus, World Class Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is 85% or higher. Most manufacturing plants have an OEE in the range of 30 – 60%.

Given that many manufacturing companies believe they are running at an efficiency of 85 – 90% (which is true due to the way they currently measure efficiency), it is very helpful to get an idea of the true potential for automation improvement by performing a rough back-of-the-envelope calculation of the current OEE.

Download our white paper now and learn the five simple steps that will enable you to do a quick calculation of where your OEE actually stands.

Download White Paper to Learn More

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