Frequently Asked Questions about Implementing an MES Platform 


Manufacturing is complex. Implementing and utilizing a process-improving platform shouldn’t be. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions and objections you may face when introducing the TrakSYS manufacturing execution system (MES) to your customers.  

Why should I spend money on an MES platform when a point solution can be cheaper? 

Point solutions may provide an immediate impact; however, an MES platform such as TrakSYS will ensure you succeed today and in the future. Here’s why: 

Point Solution 

  • Not extensible. As a standalone approach, a point solution is designed to address a specific problem. If more than one problem exists, more point solutions must be implemented.  
  • Not scalable. With a focus on a fixed point in the process, a point solution cannot scale to accommodate change or growth in a manufacturing operation, limiting its effectiveness and durability.  
  • Not cost-efficient over the long term. While a point solution may have a lower upfront cost, it only partially addresses a business’s digital transformation strategy. Implementing multiple point solutions introduces complexity, with compatibility issues between solutions and additional oversight necessary for a disparate ecosystem.  

TrakSYS MES Platform 

  • Extensible, scalable, and convenient. Whether a partial or full-scale implementation, TrakSYS conforms to the Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) standard, with a library of configurable features that allow you to quickly build out solutions for any challenge in your manufacturing operation.  
  • Seamless integration, true interoperability. As a web-based platform, TrakSYS works within your existing infrastructure, providing full connectivity and visibility to advance your operational performance. 
  • Low TCO, high ROI, and rapid time to benefit. TrakSYS preserves and augments your existing investment for a cohesive, versioned, long-term solution that delivers fully realizable ROI. With standardized functionality and easily configurable features, you’re quickly up and running with real-time insight into inventory, production, quality, predictive maintenance, and more. 

What is the duration of a TrakSYS implementation? 

The duration of a TrakSYS MES implementation depends on several factors, including project scope, resource availability, solution requirements, and your implementation goals.  

Parsec and our channel partners work closely with your manufacturing team to create a roadmap that aligns your goals and dependencies to ensure a smooth process for seamless integration and streamlined ROI. As part of our proven Rapid Implementation Methodology, your team is equipped with detailed project plans and comprehensive training resources to minimize disruption and time to benefit.  

What resources are needed for an MES implementation? 

The most successful MES implementations involve one or more of your team members working closely with the implementation team from inception to execution, to align project goals, establish timelines, and prioritize requirements. An important component of an MES implementation is a comprehensive audit of your current operations, from which we develop an outcome-based strategy that informs the project scope.  

After the project scope is complete, we continue support and training for your TrakSYS implementation to keep staff up to date on procedures and to help elevate the platform’s impact and success. 

Is TrakSYS worth it? Do I need it? 

It depends on your answer to these questions:  

  • Have you quantified the impact of taking no action at all?  
  • Have you quantified the costs and impact of your current inefficiencies, of losing market share?  

TrakSYS is a modular, versatile, purpose-built platform that addresses your manufacturing challenges, from production resources to operations management. TrakSYS connects processes throughout your factory, across your facilities, and with your upstream and downstream your supply chain. What’s more, TrakSYS will continue to evolve as your demands change and technology moves forward, keeping your operations on the leading edge of efficiency and productivity. 

We already have a legacy system. How is TrakSYS better or different? 

At Parsec, we have utilized our more than three decades of experience to build a modular, fully interoperable MES platform that simplifies the management of manufacturing operations.  

Whether integrated into your existing infrastructure or serving as your first entry into the world of digital transformation, TrakSYS offers modern must-haves that include pre-configured solutions, code-free configuration, single sign-on, and a responsive web interface. In addition, TrakSYS integrates with your existing ERP, SCADA, and PLCs to maximize your investment in those platforms. 

What is the difference between implementing TrakSYS at the plant level and across the enterprise? 

TrakSYS can revolutionize the way you do business at every level of your company.  

On the plant level, TrakSYS provides real-time configurable dashboards and reports for all manufacturing operations to streamline things like warehousing, scheduling, production, quality, and traceability through repeatable, optimized processes.  

When looking at the enterprise, manufacturers can take advantage of TrakSYS Single Instance Multi-Site (SIMS) capabilities. Deployed on-prem or in the cloud, SIMS enables companies to (amongst other things) introduce TrakSYS and its optimizations as a standard across all of their facilities. Carefully curated screens, dashboards, and solutions can be rapidly deployed while still allowing each site to augment and customize their TrakSYS deployment as needed. SIMS enables business leaders to view things like facility-by-facility performance and quality levels, and helps create an enterprise-wide culture of sustainability and continuous improvement.    

What you, as a System Integrator and TrakSYS Partner, can do 

System integrators must have a firm understanding of a customer’s business and how TrakSYS will solve their most pressing, unique challenges. Knowing what outcomes a customer expects from implementation and ongoing MES usage will guide the deployment strategy and enable the company to fully benefit from TrakSYS now and for the long term.  

Visit Parsec’s Partner Portal for more resources to get started.  

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